Crying when angry 

I very rarely get angry anymore. I get upset with the kids or argue with my husband, but I don’t fly off the handle like I used to. It’s nice. Could be because stuff just doesn’t bother me, I don’t care, or I think through the situation. Most likely, it’s a combination of all three. 

When I do get angry, I cry. A lot! It’s so funny that I do that. Maybe my feelings get hurt in the process and that’s why I cry? I don’t like to cry in front of people either, even my husband. I feel like it’s a side of me I like to keep to myself. When I’m upset or angry I need to think, try and sort it out in my head first.

I cried a little today, and I’m not sure why. I’ve also written a post three days in a row. I only write when I can’t think straight. Something is definitely up! Well…I did already know something was up, just not sure what it is. I thought I had it nailed down, but now I’m not so sure. 
